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Are the photos on this site computer-edited (digitally enhanced)?
Can you send me some info on...?
How did you make this site?
I have a nice(r) photo of phenomenon X, want to see it?
May I print out a photo to hang on the wall?
May I use a photo for a book, magazine or flyer etc.?
May I use a photo for a classroom course?
May I use a photo for a school project?
Why are all your photonames w-nnn-nn?
Why don't you have photos of...?

Are the photos on this site computer-edited (digitally enhanced)?

No, unless noted otherwise with the photo. I scan photos directly from slide into the computer. The scanner however does not have the same color temperature as daylight, so I need to do color-correction to make the photos look like they do on the real slides. Other than that, I have to do some dust-removal of the image after scanning. I do not overlay photos, or otherwise enhance them; I don't do things like putting a moon or a lightning strike in a photo, or it would be for an experiment and I will note that along the photo if I would. Any color and gamma correction and dust removal I do is to correct for scanner flaws and thus to make the computer image as much the same as the original viewed in daylight. For negatives, I do color-correction to make the photo look as realistic as possible.

Can you send me some info on...?

Sorry, I do not have time at hand to write much information in emails. I once did - and didn't even get a response or a thank-you! Many questions like these are asked by highschool students, who don't even bother to search the internet or a book. If you want to know something, please search the internet yourself, first, and if you don't find anything, ask me. But please be specific, and study my site first to see if your question is not answered there.

How did you make this site?

I do site programming in a plain text editor. For Microsoft Windows I use Med, which colors HTML code and helps fixing any errors. Under Linux, I use xEmacs.

I have a nice(r) photo of phenomenon X, want to see it?

Sure, feel free to send me a picture you are proud of. Don't expect a very long answer from me back, however; my studies allow for very little free time.

May I print out a photo to hang on the wall?

Yes, if it is in your house, for personal home decoration. No, if you want to build an art gallery or something else which will be seen by a number of people who come specifically to view these photos. Please also read my contact info.

May I use a photo for a book, magazine or flyer etc.?

Yes, I sell reproduction rights to companies and publishers. For details please contact me.

May I use a photo for a classroom course?

See the question about school projects.

May I use a photo for a school project?

School projects are usually educational, and for educational uses you can use my photos, under certain conditions. Read about these conditions in my contact info.

Why are all your photonames w-nnn-nn?

One of the more wise decisions in my life has been to start organizing my photo collection from the beginning. 'w' stands for 'weather', meaning the photo is related to weather, astronomy or nature. The three-digit number following the w is the film roll number, and the last two digits are the frame number. So if anyone wants to order a photo or ask a question about it, I can readily pull out the slide sheet of that roll of film and look the frame number.

My digital weather photos have another name convention, being d-yymmdd-nnn, where 'd' stands for digital, the six digits are the date, and the last three digits are the incremental photo number of that day. I assume that I don't shoot more than 999 photos per day with that - I'd have to take more than 2 pictures per minute for 8 hours to get to that limit. I also can get away with only 6 digits for the date, since I started digital photography after 2000 and I assume I will stop taking pictures before the year 2099, in which I turn 121.

Why don't you have photos of...?

I photograph as many different weather phenomena as possible, but I am a young person still, haven't traveled that much of the world (only parts of Europe and North and South America) and moreover, photography is not my main job but merely a hobby. I have been photographing weather for about 14 years now, of which the first few years are really not worth to put online pictures of.